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In partnership with Penny Hay at The House of Imagination
The Great Imagining Bath activation took place in the historic Assembly Rooms which has just recently opened as a public space once again. This event was in partnership with Dr Penny Hay and Bath based education charity House of Imagination. Royal Society of Arts Fellows ran workshops around future imagining, while Step Into The Amazon, our creative education partners were bridging conversations between young people in the Amazon rainforest, here in Bath, UK and now Kampala and East Uganda. The team activated empathy for the community in the rainforest through artefacts brought back from recent trips to Brazil, sparking conversations about the meaning of wealth, sustainability and our relationship to future generations. The event culminated with artist Fran Gynn running a live arts ‘Public Erasure’ event where members of the public were engaged in the erasure of her drawings of the Long Eared Bat whose habitats are under threat, inspiring complex conversations. To bring the topics together Bath based charity Rainforest Concern ran Letters to the Earth workshops to invite participants young and old to make their pledges to the future of our precious planet. As with all the activations there were several TGI interactives and workshop provocations as a well as a display of the contents of our newspapers. We tested our Orientation Interactive as well as our Intergenerational Location Finder.
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